
テニアン島のワニータさん(太平洋地域自治体連合副委員長)は、いま署名を集めています。ご賛同の方は次のリンクからご署名ください。(ローマ字でも、日本語でもOKです) ハカルワカル広場も全力で応援します!


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NO to nuclear waste dumping into the Pacific ocean!

The Pacific Alliance of Municipal Councils from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (PAMC) calls on all our Pacific Islanders and Asian Countries’ citizens to unite against Japan’s plan to dump nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is not only the largest food source for Pacific Islanders and Asian countries, but it is also the largest playground and health arena for islanders and many people who enjoy a peaceful and healing environment. We cannot and will not allow any country to use any part of it as a dumping ground for anything it created and proven to be toxic on their land! 

Any country producing toxic waste is responsible for keeping its waste safely away from other people, especially from those who rely heavily on the ocean for food, health activities, and economic sustainability!

It is enough that we often face naturally occurring challenges, we don’t appreciate and vehemently protest against any country purposely escalating the insecurities and threats of disasters, especially when they can and should be avoided or prevented! To intentionally reduce the quality of people’s lives by threatening their health ought to, if not yet, be a recognized violation of the basic human rights to tranquility! 

No country has the right to determine on its own to impose threats to others -including its citizens- who were not invited to participate nor made a part of the decision making to create such a threat!

We, the people, say NO to nuclear waste dumping in our Pacific Ocean or any ocean! Keep your toxic waste contained on your land! 

We demand that Japan and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Company cease the release of treated nuclear wastewater containing Tritium radioactive particles into the Pacific Ocean! 

  • NO to nuclear waste dumping into the Pacific ocean!Facebookでシェア









ワニータ・メンディオーラ:太平洋地域自治体連合(PAMC )副委員長


  1. 賛同署名します。処理水とごまかしても、あくまで放射性汚染水です。国内のみならず多くの他国に迷惑をかける海洋放出は直ちに止めるべきです。海は地獣人の共有資産です。


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