Hachioji Citizens Radioactivity Measurement Room
Hakaruwakaru Hiroba will be open from Friday, October 1
Food Safety Through Radioactivity Measurement
It is operated by a devoted volunteer staff who want to keep children away from the danger of radioactive substances, and supported financially by the annual membership fees and donations.
About Us
Just after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in 2011, we really wanted to set up our own radioactivity measurement room to prevent children from the internal exposure to radioactivity. We, however, had nothing to rely on, except our ardent wish to protect children from the radioactive substances.
Thanks to the support of the locals and friends near and far, we were able to set up Hakatruwakaru Hiroba (Hachioji Radioactivity Measurement Room), though we at once faced so many needs to be taken care of —money to be raised, volunteers to be recruited and so on. We have not allowed ourselves to turn back our way, until there is no radioactivity to be detected in food and soil anymore and therefore no need to measure. Until that day, we will continue measuring the radioactivity in food and soil, cooperating with our members and the local people for the future of our children. At the same time we strongly hope to be one of the local centers to realize a world free of both nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.
Our wish is “to protect every child from the danger of radioactivity in food and soil.”
- Hakaruwakaru Hiroba has been measuring radioactivity in food and soil, since Fukushima Nuclear accident in 2011, using Atomtex AT1320A and EMF211 to practice “food safety through radioactivity measurement.”
- Right after we measure radioactivity in food and soil, we publish the measurement results on our website.
- We rent (free of charge) high-performance dosimeter Techno AP TC300s to applicants.
- A learning session (called Ochakai) is held once a month (usually on the first Saturday) on the ground that we believe it important to develop our ability to think and judge for ourselves .
- To inform people around of the danger of radioactivity, we hold movie shows, lectures, talk sessions and panel exhibitions once in a while. (They are held on Zoom under Covid-19.)
- We hold field work of radioactivity measurement at shrines, temples, and fields to provide people with experience of measurement.
- We are campaigning against nuclear power plants. We are conducting visiting tours of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant and of Fukushima area while we are also supporting Kinpachi Demonstration March against nuclear power plants on every Friday.
- We are campaigning to abolish nuclear weapons, visiting Daigo Fukuryu-Maru Exhibition Hall to learn about bikini incident and its disastrous aftermath, learning about the peace movement toward abolishment of nuclear weapons in collaboration with Mr. Koji Ueda, a hibakusha in Hachioji city
- Our starting point of setting up our Measurement Room was to protect children from the danger of radioactive substances. For this reason, we published a booklet titled “What is radioactivity?” and have been distributing its copies for children to understand and protect themselves from the danger of radioactivity.
- We held a “stable iodine tablet distribution meeting” to protect children from the danger of radioactivity with the help of pediatrician Dr. Makoto Yamada.
- We publish our newsletter three or four times a year, reporting what we have learned and practiced, while posting them also on our website.
Trace Radioactivity Leak Monitoring Project is now in operation!

Hakaruwakaru Hiroba supports weekly Friday Hachioji Demonstration Marches Against Nuclear Power

Tel: 042-686-0820
E-mail: hachisoku@gmail.com